Wash and scrub the skin of the potatoes so they are nice and clean. Pat dry with paper towel.
Adult help maybe required. Peel and grate the onion and put into a bowl.
Adult help maybe required. Brush the mushrooms clean with a pastry brush. Cut the mushrooms into quarters and put into a bowl.
Use kitchen scissors to snip the chives into 1cm lengths then put into a bowl.
Measure the yoghurt.
Use a fork to pierce the washed potatoes 10 times. Get an adult to help: Place potatoes evenly around outer edge of microwave turntable. Cook on High/100% power for 6 minutes. Use tongs to turn the potatoes over and cook a further 5-6 minutes on High/100% power or until firm when tested with a skewer (the skin should be unwrinkled and potatoes firm). Alternately pierce potatoes 10 times with a fork and bake for 1 hour in 200°C oven until tender. Wrap each potato in a piece foil and leave for 10 minutes.
Use a fork to pierce the washed potatoes 10 times. Get an adult to help: Place potatoes evenly around outer edge of microwave turntable. Cook on High/100% power for 6 minutes. Use tongs to turn the potatoes over and cook a further 5-6 minutes on High / 100% power or until soft when tested with a skewer (the skin should be wrinkled and potatoes soft). Alternately pierce potatoes 10 times with a fork and bake for 1 hour in 200°C oven until tender. Wrap each potato in a piece foil and leave for 10 minutes
Get an adult to help: Heat oil in an electric frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally for 6 minutes or until onion is soft.Increase heat to medium-high, add the mushrooms. Cook for 5 minutes until mushrooms are tender. Turn off the heat.
Stir in snipped chives and swirl through the yoghurt. Season with salt and pepper.
Get an adult to help: Cut a deep cross in the top of each potato. Using a clean tea towel to hold the potato, squeeze the base gently to open up the top then place onto a serving plate. Spoon over the mushroom mixture and serve.
Wash and scrub the skin of the potatoes so they are nice and clean. Pat dry with paper towel.
Adult help maybe required. Peel and grate the onion and put into a bowl.
Adult help maybe required. Brush the mushrooms clean with a pastry brush. Cut the mushrooms into quarters and put into a bowl.
Use kitchen scissors to snip the chives into 1cm lengths then put into a bowl.
Measure the yoghurt.
Use a fork to pierce the washed potatoes 10 times. Get an adult to help: Place potatoes evenly around outer edge of microwave turntable. Cook on High/100% power for 6 minutes. Use tongs to turn the potatoes over and cook a further 5-6 minutes on High/100% power or until firm when tested with a skewer (the skin should be unwrinkled and potatoes firm). Alternately pierce potatoes 10 times with a fork and bake for 1 hour in 200°C oven until tender. Wrap each potato in a piece foil and leave for 10 minutes.
Use a fork to pierce the washed potatoes 10 times. Get an adult to help: Place potatoes evenly around outer edge of microwave turntable. Cook on High/100% power for 6 minutes. Use tongs to turn the potatoes over and cook a further 5-6 minutes on High / 100% power or until soft when tested with a skewer (the skin should be wrinkled and potatoes soft). Alternately pierce potatoes 10 times with a fork and bake for 1 hour in 200°C oven until tender. Wrap each potato in a piece foil and leave for 10 minutes
Get an adult to help: Heat oil in an electric frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally for 6 minutes or until onion is soft.Increase heat to medium-high, add the mushrooms. Cook for 5 minutes until mushrooms are tender. Turn off the heat.
Stir in snipped chives and swirl through the yoghurt. Season with salt and pepper.
Get an adult to help: Cut a deep cross in the top of each potato. Using a clean tea towel to hold the potato, squeeze the base gently to open up the top then place onto a serving plate. Spoon over the mushroom mixture and serve.